Take me out to the ballgame...
Those of you who really know me, know that I don't do much sporting. Growing up in the Zero house during baseball season meant the Phillies were on. Having Tony with me while he was growing up meant the Yankees were on. I always enjoyed watching WITH Tony, Mom, and Dad (miss his soul), but it was the 'with' part that I truly enjoyed. Not the sporting. Last night I had the opportunity to watch some sporting again. There's so much more to going to a baseball game than the baseball game. My grandson got to throw a ceremonial first pitch for his birthday. Watching my son and grandson down on the field brought back the memory of my son's dream of being a Yankee. Now I'm seeing that same dream forming in his son's heart. Then I looked at the players on the field and realized something... I'm always telling people to follow their dreams, to stop paying attention to others who don't understand it because it's not their dream to understand. Well that's exactly what these guys are doing! It turned around my whole view of the game. Then another thought caught me - what other type of public event allows the opportunity to yell at the top of your lungs without a sideways glance?! Or sing old, corny songs with total abandon? If you haven't been to a game in a long time (or yet), I highly recommend it. Root root root for the home team... YAY for these guys living out their dreams! Release your inner child!! Let go of your cares for a couple hours. Being mindful of each pitch, that's a whole different form of meditation. And if you're lucky, the home boys will come from behind and win it for you! Peace, Beth